Estimated Cost of Anticancer Therapy Directed by Comprehensive Genomic Profiling in a Single-Center Study

JCO Precision Oncology, November 2, 2018

Many cancers have been shown to contain genomic alterations that can be targeted by specific therapies. Although the clinical utility of genomically matched therapy is established, questions have remained about the value of comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) and the associated costs of targeted therapy.

However, a new study – funded by Foundation Medicine and conducted by a research team including Analysis Group Senior Advisor Anita J. Chawla and Managing Principal James Signorovitch – has estimated the costs of anticancer drugs and overall survival for patients who were treated with therapies that were both genomically matched and unmatched. This research indicates that when therapy for treatment-resistant cancers is guided using CGP results, the outcomes are longer treatment durations, longer survival times, and manageable incremental costs.

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Chawla A; Janku F; Wheler J; Miller V; Ryan J; Anhorn, R; Zhou Z; Signorovitch J