Gender Considerations in the Analysis of Market Definition and Competitive Effects: A Practical Framework and Illustrative Example

Lexis-Nexis Antitrust Report, August 2023

The August 2023 issue of the Lexis-Nexis Antitrust Report published research funded in part by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as part of the organization’s Gender Inclusive Competition Policy project. The paper, titled “Gender Considerations in the Analysis of Market Definition and Competitive Effects: A Practical Framework and Illustrative Example” and authored by Analysis Group Managing Principals Lisa Pinheiro and Jee-Yeon Lehmann and Vice Presidents Anne Catherine Faye and Marissa Ginn, was originally submitted as an online working paper to the OECD.

In their research, the authors outline potential supply- and demand-side factors and data sources that could be used to evaluate the extent to which gender-based considerations might be relevant to the analysis of competitive effects and early merger investigations. They show how their framework could be applied in practice through the analysis of a hypothetical merger between two consumer product firms, illustrating how initial analysis of competitive effects could identify relevant market features for competition analysis and inform whether additional investigations of gender-based factors may be warranted.

The OECD references the authors’ research findings in its Gender Inclusive Competition Toolkit for competition authorities, released in September of 2023.

Read the paper in Antitrust Report

Access the OECD’s Gender Inclusive Competition Toolkit