Retrospective analysis of comorbidities and treatment burden among patients with HIV infection in a US Medicaid population

Current Medical Research and Opinion, 2020


Comorbidities and comedications are important factors influencing optimal therapy because people are living longer with HIV infection. This study describes the long-term comorbidity profile and treatment burden among people with HIV-1 infection.


This retrospective study included Medicaid claims data from patients with ≥1 antiretroviral (ARV) claim between 2016 and 2017 (most recent claim defined the index date), ≥1 HIV diagnosis within 1 year before index, age ≥18 years at first HIV diagnosis and <65 years at index, ≥12 months of continuous eligibility before index, and no history of HIV-2 infection. Comorbidities, concomitant medication use, and pill burden were assessed in the 4 years before index. Analyses were stratified by patient age and treatment experience.


Among 3456 patients, the mean (standard deviation [SD]) age was 47.1 (10.4) years; the majority were black (55%) and men (63%). In general, the prevalence of comorbidities increased from the fourth year to the first year before index and included cardiovascular disease (28-40%), hypertension (24-37%), hyperlipidemia (12-17%), and asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (13-19%). Concomitant medication use corresponding to these comorbidities slightly increased over time. In the year before index, mean (SD) daily pill burden was 2.1 (1.4) for ARVs and 5.9 (5.9) for non-ARVs. Older age and prior treatment experience were associated with higher rates of comorbidities and greater pill burden.


In people with HIV infection, comorbidities and concomitant medication use increased with age, supporting considerations for streamlined ARV regimens highlighted in treatment guidelines.

View abstract


DerSarkissian M, Bhak RH, Oglesby A, Priest J, Gao E, Macheca M, Sharperson C, Duh MS