James W. Hughes

Ph.D., economics, University of Michigan; M.A., economics, and A.B., international and comparative studies, Boston University
Summary of Experience
James W. Hughes’s principal areas of research include antitrust, class certification, health care, labor, and law and economics. Professor Hughes is an experienced expert testifier and has consulted extensively in matters involving allegations of price-fixing and collusion. As a labor expert, Professor Hughes has conducted research on gender discrimination in various markets in the United States and China. Also an expert in law and economics, he was invited to contribute an entry on the subject to The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law based on his research on the effects of fee-shifting on litigation outcomes. Currently, Professor Hughes is engaged in research on the effects of tobacco taxes on health care utilization, and a study of how changes in generic prescription drug laws may affect the innovation rates of research at pharmaceutical companies.