Kannan Srinivasan

Ph.D., management, UCLA Anderson School of Management; M.B.A., marketing and finance, XLRI (Xavier School of Management), India
Summary of Experience
Professor Srinivasan focuses his research in the areas of marketing, advertising, e-commerce, technology, and innovation. He specializes in applying structured economic models to unstructured data by merging the tools of econometrics and data science (including machine learning techniques). Specific topics he has consulted and published on include the sharing economy, competitive dynamics and pricing in two-sided platforms; machine learning algorithms and their inherent biases; and health outcomes data. Professor Srinivasan has consulted to several Fortune 500 companies. He has founded two startups and served on the boards of both startups and a private equity firm. He has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Marketing Science, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. He was a coeditor-in-chief of the Marketing Science special issue on emerging markets. Professor Srinivasan is a former president of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science. He has been granted several patents on dynamic business models on the internet and has worked closely with patent examiners. His patents have been licensed by a Fortune 3 firm, and he has a deep knowledge of the securing and infringement of patents.