Shannon W. Anderson

Ph.D. and A.M., business economics, Harvard University
Summary of Experience
Professor Anderson conducts research on the design of cost accounting systems and on how firms use management control practices to mitigate risk and facilitate collaboration in inter-firm transactions. This research includes performance measurement, incentive contracting, supply chain contracting, and operations management. Professor Anderson uses empirical analysis of firm-level accounting and operational data to test economic theories about firm performance. She also has experience designing and administering surveys and analyzing survey data. Her published work has employed data from many industries including automotive, electronics manufacture, office furniture manufacture, commercial airlines, consumer retail, coal extraction, transportation, and warehousing and distribution.
Professor Anderson co-authored the award-winning book Implementing Management Innovations and the textbook Fundamentals of Cost Accounting (now in its 5th edition). Her research has been published in leading research journals including The Accounting Review, Management Science, and Contemporary Accounting Research. She has been recognized with the American Accounting Association's Notable Contribution Award (2006) and with the American Accounting Association's Management Accounting Section's Notable Contribution to the Literature Award (2003, 2006, 2012) and the Greatest Influence on Practice Award (2010). Professor Anderson's research has been funded by competitive grants from the AICPA, the Institute of Internal Auditors, the Institute of Management Accountants, the National Science Foundation, and the Australian Research Council.
Professor Anderson has previously held faculty positions at the University of Michigan and Rice University. She has also held visiting faculty appointments at Harvard Business School and the University of Melbourne. Earlier in her career, she worked as an engineer for General Motors Corporation.