TravelPass Group LLC et al. v. Caesars Entertainment Corp. et al.

In an antitrust matter brought by TravelPass Group LLC, Analysis Group was engaged by the joint defense group to support our affiliated testifying expert Catherine Tucker, the Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management at MIT Sloan School of Business. TravelPass had accused eight leading hotel companies of colluding to eliminate inter-brand competition in keyword bidding for online paid search advertising auctions. The case went to trial in the US Federal Court for the Eastern District of Texas with Marriott International as the sole non-settling defendant. 

An Analysis Group team led by Principal Mark Lewis and Vice President James Bernard supported Professor Tucker in the preparation of her expert testimony on merits issues and the economics of search engine advertising. After five days of trial before a jury, during which Professor Tucker provided testimony, TravelPass withdrew its claims against Marriott International. TravelPass issued a statement publicly acknowledging that Marriott did not participate in any unlawful activity or engage in any conspiracy.