John Chalmers

Abbott Keller Professor of Finance, Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon
John Chalmers

For more information on working with this expert, please contact:

D. Lee Heavner

Andrew Wong


Ph.D., William E. Simon Graduate School of Business, University of Rochester

Summary of Experience

Professor Chalmers is an expert in securities issues, including the trading behavior of investors and the pricing of securities. He has undertaken extensive research in municipal bonds, mutual funds, and trading costs, much of which has been published in leading peer-reviewed academic journals, including The Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, and The Review of Financial Studies. In the area of mutual funds, his research with Professors Roger Edelen and Greg Kadlec discovered and explained the source of perverse incentives exploited by so-called market timers in their trading of mutual funds. He has also written about stale pricing problems in equity mutual funds and mutual fund transaction costs, and has collaborated with other mutual fund experts, such as Professors Daniel Bergstresser and Peter Tufano, on research analyzing fund performance across fund marketing channels. He also has extensive expertise in municipal bond pricing and valuation issues. Professor Chalmers' research has been cited in reports by the General Accounting Office and in several testimonies provided before the House Financial Services Committee, as well as being widely referenced in major media outlets. He has authored several expert reports and provided testimony before the US District Court of Wisconsin.