Edward J. Fox

W.R. & Judy Howell Director, JCPenney Center for Retail Excellence, and Chair in Marketing, SMU Cox School of Business
Edward J. Fox

For more information on working with this expert, please contact:

T. Christopher Borek

Laura O'Laughlin


Ph.D. and M.A., marketing, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania; M.S., management, Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University; M.S., marketing communications, Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University

Summary of Experience

Professor Fox’s research focuses on retail pricing, promotion, and assortment management, as well as the quantitative modeling of consumer shopping behavior to address retail competition and marketing channel issues. He frequently estimates models using customer-level data to identify the drivers of shopping behavior and to make shopping and spending predictions, which can then be used by retail decision makers to improve store performance. Professor Fox has consulted to retailers and other companies on marketing management, strategy, and quantitative decision making. His clients have included ACME Markets, Genuardi’s Family Markets, Softspikes, Arcis Golf, and Reliant Rehabilitation. He has also filed an expert report on behalf of the Federal Trade Commission in a retail antitrust case. Professor Fox’s research has addressed topics such as dynamic pricing, demand estimation using transaction data, competitive issues in retailing, consumer spending behavior across retail formats, and recapturing lost customers. His articles have been published in journals such as Marketing Science, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Marketing, Management Science, Operations Research, and the Journal of Retailing. He is frequently quoted in the media on retail marketing and consumer buying behavior, and he has spoken at numerous retail industry conferences and trade association meetings.