Nathaniel Good

Chief Scientist and Principal, Good Research; Lecturer, Master of Data Science Program, UC Berkeley School of Information
Nathaniel Good

For more information on working with this expert, please contact:

Almudena Arcelus

Christopher Llop


Ph.D., UC Berkeley School of Information; M.S., computer science, University of California, Berkeley

Summary of Experience

Dr. Good, an expert on user experience research and user behavior concerning technology, security, and privacy, has over 15 years of experience as a research scientist and technologist. He has co-developed technologies and designs for privacy protection products that have grown to millions of users, and he has worked with Fortune 100 firms to develop privacy and security solutions. Dr. Good has consulted on a variety of consumer protection cases, as well as civil and criminal investigations; provided testimony on his research before Congress and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC); and presented before the FTC on consumer protection and competition issues. He has been a consulting and testifying expert for the California Department of Justice and the FTC on notice design for mobile and web applications, the re-creation and testing of consumer experiences on such applications, and network and technical analysis related to privacy and security investigations. Dr. Good has published extensively on user experience studies, privacy, and security-related topics. His work has been covered by The Economist, The New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, ABC, and CNN. Dr. Good holds multiple software technology patents related to multimedia systems, event analysis, and information extraction. His prior experience includes research positions with PARC, Yahoo!, and HP Research Labs. In addition to his positions at the University of California, Berkeley, and Good Research, he is the CEO of AppCensus, a data privacy analysis firm focused on mobile devices.