Class Certification

Analysis Group experts’ empirical assessments of class certification in labor and employment matters involve analyses of typicality, commonality, and representativeness of claims of proposed class members. In assessing claims, we provide reviews of corporate structure and the distribution and movement of employees through that structure. We also compare the outcomes of the named plaintiffs with those of the proposed class under the disputed employment practices.

In assessing class certification issues such as typicality, commonality, adequacy, and numerosity, we have provided assistance to clients in a number of areas, including:

  • Evaluation of named plaintiffs as class representatives
  • Analyzing the economic underpinnings of commonality and typicality arguments to determine if causation and damages assessments could be based on common methods of proof
  • Analyses to identify proposed class members who may have suffered no impact
  • Assistance in settlement talks and settlement agreements to ensure targeted and appropriate relief to the damaged class members