Transaction Analysis
We have often been asked by clients to apply our expertise in corporate governance, accounting, and finance to analyze a transaction or a set of transactions that has significant tax ramifications. One issue we have frequently been asked to address is whether the transactions at issue had a valid business purpose, setting aside all or part of any unusual tax benefits. In performing such analyses, we have examined whether the investment instruments or business arrangements in question had reasonable upside relative to alternative investments or arrangements. For example, our experts have evaluated a stock option’s potential profitability or hedging benefits to determine whether there was a legitimate business purpose associated with the option as an investment, leaving aside any unusual claimed tax benefits. We have also evaluated the economic substance and business purpose of tax shelter arrangements such as Son of Boss, LILO, and SILO transactions.
Our rigorous analysis of transactions and their related tax effects draws on our expertise in:
- Valuation, especially of complex derivative instruments
- The mechanisms underlying various tax shelters, including sale leasebacks and other instruments related to potential artificial investment losses
- Analysis of market dynamics
- Accounting and financial statement analysis
- Transfer pricing
- Assessment of the economic rationale for creating or changing certain organizational forms and structures, including the rationale for creating parent-subsidiary relationships
- Corporate governance principles and application, including the locus and exercise of control by owners and managers
- Analysis of accounting data, including large, complex datasets downloaded from the accounting systems of major international firms
- Featured Expert R. Glenn Hubbard Dean Emeritus and Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia Business School
Case Outcome
Palm Canyon X Investments LLC, AH Investment Holdings, Inc., Tax Matters Partner v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Service
- Featured Expert Thomas Lys Eric L. Kohler Professor Emeritus in Accounting and Professor Emeritus of Accounting Information & Management, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Case Outcome
Chemtech Royalty Associates L.P. v. United States of America
Tax Shelters or Efficient Tax Planning? A Theory of the Firm Perspective on the Economic Substance DoctrineJournal of Law and Economics, November 2014
Case Outcome
AWG Leasing Trust v. United States of America