Tamar Sisitsky

M.A. and B.A., economics, Tufts University
Summary of Experience
Ms. Sisitsky specializes in the application of economic theory and empirical estimation methods to complex business litigation matters. Over the course of more than 25 years at Analysis Group, she has led case teams supporting several prominent academic affiliates, and has provided assistance to attorneys on all phases of pretrial discovery in matters across a variety of industries. Her most recent work has focused on assisting counsel for health care clients involved in high-stakes government investigations into their business practices (e.g., off-label promotion, pricing). In this context, she has led case teams performing economic and statistical assessments of causation and damages associated with alleged violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the False Claims Act, and the Anti-Kickback Statute. These projects have included attention to a wide range of pharmaceutical products and medical devices across many therapeutic areas.
- Brand Name Prescription Drug Litigation
- Epidemiology Studies on Rare Childhood Cancers
- GlaxoSmithKline Holdings (Americas) Inc. v. Commissioner of the IRS
- Pharmaceutical Off-Label Promotion & Kickbacks Settlements
- Procter & Gamble Co. v. Haugen
- Quantifying the Economic Burden of Depression
- United States of America et al ex rel Brown v Celgene Corp
- Vitamins Antitrust Litigation
The Economic Burden of Adults with Major Depressive Disorder in the United States (2010 and 2018)
PharmacoEconomics, 2021
2021Greenberg P, Fournier A, Sisitsky T, Simes M, Berman R, Koenigsberg S, Kessler R
Special Issue of PharmacoEconomics on Major Depressive Disorders
PharmacoEconomics (2021) 39:617
2021 -
The Economic Burden of Adults With Major Depressive Disorder in the United States (2005 and 2010)
J Clin Psychiatry 2015 Feb;76(2):155-73
2015Greenberg P, Fournier A, Sisitsky T, Pike C, Kessler R
Big Data Can Yield Big Insights on Promotional Practices
Law360, August 14, 2014
2014 -
Prioritizing Safety Versus Budget: FDA and CMS Adopt Different Stances
FDLI Update, May/June 2012
2012 -
The Role of Experts in Antitrust Class Certification
Antitrust Class Action Handbook (The American Bar Association, 2010)
2010 -
Economic Analysis in Off-Label Promotion Cases
Law360 (published on February 9, 2009)
2009 -
The Growing Role of Economic Analysis in Off-Label Promotion Cases
Rx Compliance Report, Vol. VIII, Issue 8, pp. 7 - 8
2009 -
ABA Pharmaceutical Industry Antitrust Handbook
ABA Pharmaceutical Industry Antitrust Handbook
2009Greenberg P, Mishol D, Sisitsky T, Bruno C
Off-Label Marketing Investigations in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Analysis Group Forum
2006 -
Depression and Fibromyalgia: Treatment and Cost When Diagnosed Separately or Concurrently
J Rheumatol 2004 Aug;31(8):1621-9
2004Robinson RL, Birnbaum HG, Morley MA, Sisitsky T, Greenberg PE, Wolfe F
What’s So Different about Anxiety Disorders (such as Phobias)?
Phobias (vol. 7 of the World Psychiatric Association series "Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry"), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd:2004;337-339
2004 -
Economic Cost and Epidemiological Characteristics of Patients with Fibromyalgia Claims
J Rheumatol 2003 Jun;30(6):1318-25
2003Robinson R, Birnbaum H, Morley MA, Sisitsky T, Greenberg P, Claxton A
Direct and Indirect Costs of Rheumatoid Arthritis to an Employer
J Occup Environ Med 2000 Jun;42(6):588-96
2000Birnbaum H, Barton M, Greenberg P, Sisitsky T, Auerbach R, Wanke L, Buatti M
The Economics of Anxiety Disorders
Psychiatric Times’ Mental Health Economics: Practical Information on Changes in the U.S. Health Care System
2000 -
The economic burden of anxiety disorders in the 1990s
J Clin Psychiatry 1999 Jul;60(7):427-35
1999Greenberg P, Sisitsky T, Kessler R, Finkelstein S, Berndt E, Davidson J, Ballenger J, Fyer A