Todd Schatzki

Ph.D., public policy, Harvard University; M.C.P., environmental policy and planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; B.A., physics, Wesleyan University
Summary of Experience
Dr. Schatzki is an economist with expertise in markets and regulated industries, particularly energy markets and regulation. Within the energy sector, his expertise includes market design, finance, competition, ratemaking, market impacts, and benefit-cost analysis in the electricity, natural gas, petroleum, and renewable energy sectors. Dr. Schatzki supports clients in a range of contexts, including regulatory and rulemaking proceedings, litigation, policy analysis, and strategic and financial advice.
His expertise in the electricity sector includes wholesale electricity market design; market conduct and competitive analysis; financial analysis, including valuation and cost of capital; utility regulation and ratemaking; economic analysis of new market rules, regulations, and infrastructure investments; and contract analysis and disputes. His clients include electricity system operators, market monitors, generation, transmission and distribution companies, government agencies, and non-government agencies. Dr. Schatzki has testified before US state and federal, as well as Canadian provincial, regulatory commissions. He has also provided testimony at bankruptcy court and arbitration.
Dr. Schatzki has worked extensively on environmental economics, policy, and regulation, with his recent work focusing on the intersection of climate policy and energy markets, and disputes involving water resources and environmental contamination. His research has been published in distinguished energy- and environment-related publications, and he has provided research for prominent organizations such as the Electric Power Research Institute, the Edison Electric Institute, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Provided Expert Testimony
- Alberta Electric System Operator Proceedings for Capacity Market Design and Implementation
- Assessing Transmission-for-Renewables Projects
Additional Cases
- Analyzing the Performance of ISO-NE Power Generation Resources
- Assessing Competitiveness of Retail Electricity Market in Pennsylvania
- Assessing Potential Impacts of California Climate Policies
- Capacity Resource Performance in NYISO Markets: An Assessment of Wholesale Market Options
- Central Vermont Public Service Corporation and Green Mountain Power Corporation v. Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee
- Energy Policy Act Section 1813 Comments: Report of the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation for Submission to the US Departments of Energy and Interior
- Evaluating the Capacity Market Consequences of Alternate Resource Portfolios
- Florida v. Georgia
- GHG Cap-and-Trade: Implications for Effective and Efficient Climate Policy in Oregon
- Innovating to Reduce Emissions and Energy Use
- Key Issues Facing California's GHG Cap-and-Trade System for 2021–2030
- Report on the Economic Effects of Mandatory Energy Labeling for Buildings
- Revisions to ISO-NE Inventoried Energy Program
- Shareholder Derivative Suit Following an Operational Incident
- Todd J. Mortier v. LivaNova USA, Inc.
Capacity Market Alternatives for a Decarbonized Grid: Prompt and Seasonal Markets
White Paper, January 2024
2024 -
Pathways Study: Evaluation of Pathways to a Future Grid
White Paper, April 2022
2022Schatzki T, Llop C, Ross P, Shen J, Stuart D, Farrel T, McManamy C, Daniels L, Ma S
Impact of choice of inhalers for asthma care on global carbon footprint and societal costs: a long-term economic evaluation
Journal of Medical Economics, 2022
2022Kponee-Shovein K, Marvel J, Ishikawa R, Choubey A, Kaur H, Ngom K, Fakih I, Swartz N, Schatzki T, Signorovitch J
Carbon footprint and associated costs of asthma exacerbation care among UK adults
Journal of Medical Economics, 2022
2022Kponee-Shovein K, Marvel J, Ishikawa R, Choubey A, Kaur H, Thokala P, Ngom K, Fakih I, Schatzki T, Signorovitch J
Capacity Resource Performance in NYISO Markets: An Assessment of Wholesale Market Options
White Paper, November 2017
2017Hibbard P, Schatzki T, Bolthrunis S
Study to Establish New York Electricity Market ICAP Demand Curve Parameters
White Paper, September 2016
2016Hibbard P, Schatzki T, Aubuchon C, Llop C, Berk E
NYISO Capacity Market: Evaluation of Options
White Paper, May 2015
2015Hibbard P, Schatzki T, Aubuchon C, Wu C
Assessment of Vancouver Energy Socioeconomic Impacts: Primary Economic Impacts
White Paper, July 2014
2014 -
Three Lingering Design Issues Affecting Market Performance in California’s GHG Cap-and-Trade Program
White Paper, January 2013
2013 -
Assessment of the Impact of ISO-NE’s Proposed Forward Capacity Market Performance Incentives
White Paper, September 2013
2013 -
The Interdependence of Electricity and Natural Gas: Current Factors and Future Prospects
Electricity Journal, May 2012
2012 -
Using the Value of Allowances From California's GHG Cap-and-Trade System
White Paper, August 2012
2012 -
Generation Fleet Turnover in New England: Modeling Energy Market Impacts
White Paper, June 2011
2011Schatzki T, Hibbard P, Darling P, Clinton B
Options for Addressing Leakage in California’s Climate Policy
White Paper, February 2010. Commissioned by the Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA)
2010 -
Addressing Environmental Justice Concerns in the Design of California's Climate Policy
Submitted to the California Economic and Allocation Advisory Committee (EAAC)
2009 -
Evolving GHG Trading Systems Outside Its Borders: How Should California Respond?
Submitted to the California Economic and Allocation Advisory Committee (EAAC)
2009 -
Next Steps for California with Federal Cap-and-Trade Policy On the Horizon
White Paper. Commissioned by the Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA), July 2009
2009 -
Competitive Procurement of Retail Electricity Supply: Recent Trends in State Policies and Utility Practices
Commissioned by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
2008 -
Pay-as-Bid vs. Uniform Pricing: Discriminatory Auctions Promote Strategic Bidding and Market Manipulation
Public Utilities Fortnightly, March 2008
2008Tierney S, Schatzki T, Mukerji R
Too Good to Be True? An Examination of Three Economic Assessments of California Climate Change Policy
AEI-Brookings Joint Center - January 2007
2007Stavins R, Jaffe J, Schatzki T
A Hazard Rate Analysis of Mirant's Generating Plant Outages in California
White Paper, January 2004
2004Harvey S, Hogan W, Schatzki T
June 10, 2022
September 20, 2023
April 25, 2024
October 31, 2024
January 17, 2024
August 17, 2023
August 3, 2023
September 14, 2022
April 20, 2022